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Product Designer, UX Architect, Front End Angular Developer and Patented Inventor of a 3D Web Experience for Facility Management Systems

The Designer


Who Am I ?👨🏻
Product Designer, UX Architect, Web Developer, VR/AR Developer, Spatial Computing/Metaverse Evangelist and Patented Inventor of a 3D web app for facility management systems.

My Motivation 🌎✨
My motivation is to improve the world using technology, by building software experiences which educate, empower and amaze people.

My DNA 🧬
I consider myself a natural leader, organizer and communicator, yet also very hands-on in the software development process having a keen grasp of essential design principles which lead to real-world success. Not only an accomplished coder and designer, I take pleasure in public speaking, media presentations, and can carefully articulate goals and direction for any team. Whether it’s a classroom full of students, a trade show full of customers, a war room full of developers, or a boardroom full of executives, my gift is to communicate in a way which matches the level, dialect, concerns and interests of my audience.

My Style💪🏼
My hunger to make an impact propels me. It enables me to take command of projects and empower members of a team to do their best work. I’m an unapologetic peddler of optimism, so I make it a priority to build momentum and enthusiasm around any established goals. I also believe it is paramount to understand the “big picture” and the “why” for any technical effort, so I use strategic visual aids and very approachable system diagrams to convey the structure and significance of software systems.

My Creativity🎨
Due to my history in the visual arts, I have a strong acumen for presentation, with an affinity for color, icons, typography, layout and animation. This foundation enables me to design user interfaces with the flare of a graphic artist, coupled with the careful attention to structure and detail of an architect. My strengths in 2D design culminate nicely to support my greatest passion which is 3D visualization. The world is shifting toward immersive experiences with mixed reality tech, so we must rise to the occasion and ensure that our methods in the 2D space translate well into the 3D digital world.

My Heart❤️
Finally, I always strive to be effective in business while operating with empathy and compassion. Having sincere concern for both customers and coworkers is a cornerstone of any ethical business practice. Empathy improves product design, increases employee morale, establishes trust with your customers and secures the endurance of any organization.

My Quote 😁
“As we proceed to make a ‘dent’ in the universe, let’s aim to leave an irreparable impression on a human heart.”

Michael Martinez

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